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Desktop GIS Services
True Grid offers a broad array of GIS desktop analysis; data gathering, creation, editing, and QA/QC work; mapping; and drafting services.
For when you need professional and consistent cartographic and data products for your internal, corporate, and regulatory requirements!
Analysis - Geospatial analysis and geoprocessing yielding crucial location intelligence to your operation
Examples - Well proximity and frac hit potential determination, DOT pipeline classification, pipeline least cost path routing, radio tower placement viewshed analysis
Data - GIS and CAD data gathering and centralization from source organizations, creation, editing, and QA/QC workflows
Examples - Search, discovery, and centralization of state oil and gas data for use in mapping and analysis; structure feature creation and update from imagery; pad/site disturbance boundary digitization; quality checks and updates to data gathered from mulitiple sources and file types
Cartography - Professional map creation and output based on your specific requirements
Examples - COGCC Form 44 diagrams, field operation
maps, leasehold and competitor position maps
Drafting - CAD drafting services for True Grid collected GPS/GNSS data
Examples - As-built diagrams, pipeline alignment sheets, site layouts, SPCC drawings
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